software resources for science and technology education

EXPERIMENT BOX for the BBC micro:bit

The EXPERIMENT BOX provides an excellent starting kit for learning about connecting sensors, LEDs and other devices to the BBC micro:bit.  It is ideal for beginners who have no experience of connecting or controlling external components.  You can create it by purchasing the Kitronik Discovery Kit and Kitronik ZIP LEDs pack, together with some extra sensors.  The simple breadboard, together with a range of LEDs, a piezo speaker, sensors, resistors and jumper wires, makes it easy to build simple circuits with no previous skill.  With Mr Bit files you quickly discover how a simple program makes the micro:bit become a powerful controller.

The ready-made files below offer solutions for basic experiments and  more.  They may be downloaded directly into Insight Mr Bit, or you if download the free Mr Bit Lite, all the files are built-in and available.

IMB Kitronik hub

Mr Bit Experiments - These are the same as the resident experiments in Mr Bit, but they show wiring diagrams for the breadboard.

Discovery Kit Experiments - These are the experiments in the Tutorial Book. Download the files into Mr Bit to see working solutions.

Discovery expt 1.isc

ZIP LED Experiments - These are the experiments in the Tutorial Book. Download the files into Mr Bit to see working solutions.

Discovery Kit Experiments text.pdf

Download notes about the Mr Bit programs for the experiments

IMB Kitronik hub

Mr Bit Music

Discovery expt 2.isc Discovery expt 3.isc Discovery expt 4.isc Discovery expt 5.isc dkX01. Alarm test.isc dkX02. Time signal.isc dkX03. Telephone call.isc dkX04. Hazard warning.isc dkX05. Colour code.isc dkX06. Traffic lights.isc dkX07. Light meter.isc dkX08. Light report.isc dkX09. Light graph.isc dkX10. Shadow counter.isc dkX11. Who is there.isc dkX12. Perfect light.isc dkX13. Digital thermometer.isc dkX14. Climate message.isc dkX15. Temperature graph.isc dkX16. Weather report.isc dkX17. Comfort zone.isc dkX18. Extreme alert.isc DK_ZIP expt 1.isc DK_ZIP expt 2.isc DK_ZIP expt 3.isc DK_ZIP expt 4.isc DK_ZIP expt 5.isc DK_ZIP expt 6.isc DK_ZIP expt 7.isc DK_ZIP expt 8.isc DZ1. ZIP stick pattern .isc DZ2. ZIP stick rotate.isc DZ3. ZIP stick shift.isc DZ4. ZIP stick scroll.isc DZ5. ZIP stick bounce.isc DZ6. ZIP stick x2 .isc DZ7. ZIP stick x2 fade .isc DZ8. ZIP ring - colour chase.isc DZ9. ZIP ring - rainbow show.isc

Mr Bit ZIP Experiments - Further experiments which show the range of possible effects with the Mr Bit programming tools.

The Kitronik Discovery Kit contains the breadboard and breakout connector for the micro:bit which are used for all the experiments.  Consult the Kitronik Tutorial Book for details of how the breadboard works and the basic setting up instructions. For each experiment you will plug particular components into the board and use jumper wires to complete the circuit connections to the micro:bit.  The wiring diagrams are shown on your computer in the Mr Bit coding editor when you load the experiment files shown below.

Points to note:


CONNECTOR               LIGHT SENSOR (LDR)       

                DIODE - Look out for the flat edge.

The Kitronik ZIP LEDs pack contains addressable RGB LEDs capable of showing any colour in the spectrum.  The LEDs are fixed on circuit boards in the shape of a stick and ring.  They require a higher voltage than the micro:bit and this is supplied by the extra battery pack. They fit very conveniently on the breadboard with wiring as shown here.  The wiring diagrams are shown on your computer in the Mr Bit coding editor when you load the experiment files below.

Download all the Mr Bit solutions.

(2 MB)

Download all the Mr Bit solutions.

(3 MB)

dk. Music box.isc dk. Music maker.isc dk. Discover Music.isc

When you have downloaded your Mr Bit files, store them in this folder:

Documents > Insight MrBit files

They will then appear in the ‘My work’ tab.


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